Doug Johnson, husband to former Planned Parenthood regional clinic director and the subject of the upcoming Pureflix film” Unplanned” joins Kevin, in a conversation about abortion, movies, and beards. After seeing Kevin’s reaction video to the film, Doug reached out with the hopes of tackling some of the concerns he had. On this episode of the podcast, they do exactly that. In a raw and real not-so-PG conversation about a raw and real not-so-PG subject. Kevin dives into his deepest struggles with Christian Films, The Pro-life movement, and abortion.
If this film interest you, please support the filmmakers and SGK by using the Amazon links below.
The Official Say Goodnight Kevin Podcast. Exploring the dark, gritty, underbelly of faith and film with Kevin McCreary, the accountability partner no one asked for.
Take a trip back to 2020, where we talk to the creators of “The Farmer and the Belle” about making a Christian movie, Julie and Jack, and how hallmark doesn’t believe in inner beauty?